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Brasil Ride 2019

Mais que uma prova... Uma etapa em sua vida!

20 a 26 de Outubro de 2019

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Press Release



Big changes in the overall classification and fantastic sceneries in the Chapada Diamantina - Bahia - defined the first half of the Mountain Bike Stage Race.

Amateur and pro riders completed half of the competition in 280km of trails and climbed 5.500m in total!

“This is the most beautiful stage in the competition”, added Rafael Campos, race diretor at Brasil Ride. The stage had around 85km around Rio de Contas, in Bahia that is privileged about natural beauties, with 1.600m hills and exuberant vegetation around Pico do Barbado, the highest peak in northeast with 2.033m altitude.

“I think we can race or we can pedal in the area where normally tourists don’t’ see. The single tracks are cool, I did race in South Africa, in Europe, in Malaysia but in Brazil that would be the stage race with the most single-tracks”, commented Daniel Gathof, from Germany – Craft –Rocky Mountain Team.

Seems like the beautiful scenery motivated riders to go faster in the competition. The first cyclists arrived on the top of the hill, at the km 45, to win the “Oakley Challenge” just after a long climb where the last 2 km were extremely steep climb. On the top of that the terrain was really soft and full of dust on this last few kilometers.

The Oakley special prizes (Oakley M2 Frame) were won by the Italians Annabella Stropparo e Piero Pellegrini (Team Hersh Amici di Annabella) in the mixed category; and Tiago Ferreira and Periklis Illias (Protek) won in the men category and it’s worth to remind that they did a great job reaching the top of this hill in about 2 hours!

“I have a special team mate, Periklis (2012 XCM World Champion), his is a good athlete, also very strong and good in this type of race”, explained Tiago Ferreira (Portugal) that became the overall leader after his compatriot Luís Leão Pinto and Mathias Lesling (Germany) abandoned the stage, due to a injury that the German rider suffered.

“I’m going to wear the leader Jersey because of a crash that my friend suffered... I’d prefer to become leader in a different situation. Anyway, now that I’m leading I will try to keep it going till the end, this is the most important for us”, said Tiago Ferreira.

“Teamwork is everything in a stage race like Brasil Ride. The most important is to respect each other, and we have to talk to each other, in the race, when we fell bad we have a sign, we do like this (scissors sign with fingers) and this is means we have to do our own “tempo” described Hans Becking, Superior-Brentjens Mountain Bike Racing that competes with team mate Jiri Novak. Both have the 1st Olympic Champion Bart Brentjens as their guru.

“He (Brentjens) was nervous today (before the race), so I think he saw a good sign today, and we made it second…  We learn a lot from Bart, little thinks like what to drink, what to do, so it’s really good to have the experience on our side”, finishes Hans.

One of the Brazilian teams on the spotlight – Caloi Elite – have been taking good results thanks for the strong partnership:

“The partnership makes all the difference during the week of competition, gives stability, and avoids problems”, added Henrique Avancini from Brazil. “I talked to Shermann so we manage our limit, to have something for the next 3 days”, added Avancini that is keeping the “America’s” leader jersey.  In women’s, Roberta Stopa and Juliana Machado also use the leaders jersey in category Americas.

The women team Sonya Looney and Nina Baum (Notubes / Ergon) did a great teamwork dominating the Brasil Ride 2014 in the first 4 stages. The same partnership could be seen in the mixed categories, master and grand master that also won in the first 4 days.

The challenge continues on Thursday, the 23th and the Mtn. Bike Stage Race carry on with another long stage. It will be 93.58km and 2.228m of accumulation climb in a loop with start and finish line in Rio de Contas.

Complete results:


Supporters: Continental Pneus, Red Bull, JC Bikes, Café Mucuge, Prefeitura Municipal de Rio de Contas, Roma Comunicação, Penks. Mídias parceiras: Revista Bike Action, Rádio Bradesco Esportes FM, Bike Magazine Portugal, Revista Go Outside, Webventure e Bike na Mídia Assessoria de Imprensa. Supervisão: UCI (União Ciclística Internacional), CBC (Confederação Brasileira de Ciclismo) and FBC (Federação Baiana de Ciclismo). Realização: REC e Prefeitura de Mucugê

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