Breakfast with Guarinis, Oakley Challenge, Olympic Talk and lots of activities
Brasil Ride 2014, that starts on this Sunday (19th/October) and ends next Saturday (25th) in Mucugê, Chapada Diamantina – Bahia, is committed to offer a lifetime experience for everyone, is committed to be more than a mountain bike stage race event, and to be a landmark in life for riders and viewers.
So, the organization is launching new categories improving competitiveness and fun. Other innovation is going to be a special prize each day for the fastest riders in specific parts of the track. At the prologue, the fastest riders will get Mark’s Webber F1 replica helmets. Also, during each stage, the “Oakley Challenge” will be offering a chance to get special points stimulating the high performance.
Athletes weighting over 90kg, will be disputing the “Nelore” category showing off the fastest heavy weight rider in each stage. Other attraction will be the “CEO” leader jersey, for teams of 3 business people competing in a team relay category.
“Our differential in the event is about the care we have with each cyclist, as we always look after all their needs! This is the kind of attention that values the sport and environment, and for us, this is the way to support mountain bike development and the environmental preservation”, explains Andréa Roma, executive director at the event.
The Brasil Ride 2014 focus is really about the development of the Olympic mountain bike cross-country. So on the 3rd day of race, in Rio de Contas – BA, the stage will follow the features of this discipline. In addition, the event will introduce the “Olympic Chat”, with speeches about: “How to become an Olympic champion”, with Bart Brentjens - the first XCO Olympic champion; The “Olympic Training” with Adriana Nascimento and Hugo Prado Neto; and finally, the “Olympic Dream” with Henrique Avancini and Sérgio Mantecón.
Another good news is the launching of Brasil Ride app for iPhone and Android phones. The app brings exclusive and complete information about the race, athletes, sponsors and useful services about the towns welcoming the event.
The opening ceremony will be in great style, as Rafael Goberna, one of the best paragliders in the world, will be doing some stunts in the air. Before the race, the day starts with a breakfast (19th Oct.) in honor of “Guaranis”, at the Café Mucugê Farm. “Guarani”, in “Tupi-Guarani” language, means warrior, fighter, and this is the way to designate who finishes at least 3 editions of Brasil Ride.
More info: www.brasilride.com
Support: Continental Pneus, Red Bull, JC Bikes, Café Mucuge, Prefeitura Municipal de Rio de Contas, Roma Comunicação, Penks. Mídias parceiras: Revista Bike Action, Rádio Bradesco Esportes FM, Bike Magazine Portugal, Revista Go Outside, Webventure e Bike na Mídia Assessoria de Imprensa. Supervisão: UCI (União Ciclística Internacional), CBC (Confederação Brasileira de Ciclismo) e FBC (Federação Baiana de Ciclismo). Realização: REC e Prefeitura de Mucugê
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